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DatenschutzerklärungMai. 24. 2018
EmoticonsDez. 29. 2017
How to use?Dez. 28. 2017
Don't show results directlyDez. 27. 2017
Dec. 27. 2017

Don't show results directly

Once someone has voted, he gets shown the results of the poll directly (image 2). Also the next time he comes to the page. Since everybody should only vote once, it is not necessary to show the vote form (image 1) again. In most cases this is also not of your visitors interests.
Anyway, in some cases it makes sense to show the vote form anytime one comes to the page. Moreover it might be useful for the webmaster to see that.

How to avoid showing results directly at further visit or reload?

You have the possibility to show the vote form after each refresh of the page. Therefore you have to add the parameter s=n to the HTML-code.
Have a look to code box below. Usually there is just the yellow highlighted code to call the vote-box. All you have to do now is adding the little green highlighted code behind (&s=n).

function receiveMessage(event) { var message = event.data.split(':'); var eventName = message[0]; var iframes, len, i = 0; var senderDomains = ['http://www.enketon.com']; if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) {Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj, start) { for (var i = (start || 0), j = this.length; i < j; i++) { if (this[i] === obj) { return i; } } return -1;}} if ( senderDomains.indexOf(event.origin) !== -1 && eventName === 'resize' ) { iframes = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); len = iframes.length; for (; i < len; i++) { if ( ( iframes[i].contentWindow || iframes[i].documentWindow ) == event.source) { iframes[i].style.height = message[1] + "px"; return; } } } } if ( window.addEventListener ) {window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage, false); } else if (window.attachEvent)  {window.attachEvent('onmessage', receiveMessage); }

<iframe src="http://www.enketon.com/survey4.php?g=nul&p=1234&s=n" id="responsive-iframe" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="320px"></iframe>

Please make sure not to copy the code from this box since other parameters will be wrong in your case!

IMAGE 1: As long as someone hasn't voted, he gets shown the vote form when he comes to the page.
IMAGE 2: Once somebody voted already, he gets shown the results directly. You can avoid that by parameter "s=n".


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